My Story
My story is a long one. I shall not bore you with the gritty details. Instead, I offer the Reader's Digest version.
I was very sick. The kind of sick where you beg for death. A massive diet change, herbal remedies, my husband's tireless research and unending support, and a whole lotta God are to thank for my recovery. Thus, why I chose to live the life I live. Which life, you may ask?
The one with a whole slew of beef cattle, chickens, pigs, and a huge garden. The one where either make everything from scratch or am learning to make it from scratch. The one where my toddler runs straight up to our milk cow and kisses her snout. The one where my husband and I wake to our baby girl smiling up at us every morning. The one where I am barefoot, happy, and healthy again.
Your story sounds very interesting, as I am totally on board with how our lifestyle/diet can change the outcome (I have a son with Epilepsy and we are treating it with prayer and a ketogenic diet and so far we have maintained 100% seizure control.) I hope you will share more!