God is so good.
This weekend, we started our search for our farm. We saw two houses on Saturday. The first was so very perfect, but lacked HV/AC therefore we could not get the type of loan we wanted. The second - well, dear readers, the second is our farm.
We're well into the process of purchasing a farm. We close on the farm on December 3rd, barring any unforeseen catastrophes - just in time for Christmas. We have a farm of our own.
It's not sunk in yet. Let me try that again: We have a farm of our very own!
Nope. Still hasn't sunk in.
We have been deep in prayer through the whole process. Since we decided we were not going to buy the house we are renting, a million prayers have been uttered. We've asked for intercession from St. Joseph, St. Isadore the Farmer, and even St. Jude...
It's a humbling experience to have one's prayers answered time and time again. I feel so very blessed. Twenty-nine acres and a gorgeous house to raise our babies and farm.
There's more work needed at this house then the other, however - we're all okay with that. In fact - I'm rather thrilled. I get to finally decorate a house of my own. I could only do so much to the rentals we've had in the past. The rentals were nice, but there was always that lingering feeling that they were not home. The wallpaper was not my choice. The paint colors were not my choices. The curtains - not mine. All the decisions as far as decorating goes will me mine on our farm. I will make this our home.
Our livestock will also gain more pasture land! The neighbors in our new town are already offering their help. This is so different from the reception we've received where we currently are living. The area we are moving is mainly agriculture. We couldn't be happier!
God is so good.
We're well into the process of purchasing a farm. We close on the farm on December 3rd, barring any unforeseen catastrophes - just in time for Christmas. We have a farm of our own.
It's not sunk in yet. Let me try that again: We have a farm of our very own!
Nope. Still hasn't sunk in.
We have been deep in prayer through the whole process. Since we decided we were not going to buy the house we are renting, a million prayers have been uttered. We've asked for intercession from St. Joseph, St. Isadore the Farmer, and even St. Jude...
It's a humbling experience to have one's prayers answered time and time again. I feel so very blessed. Twenty-nine acres and a gorgeous house to raise our babies and farm.
There's more work needed at this house then the other, however - we're all okay with that. In fact - I'm rather thrilled. I get to finally decorate a house of my own. I could only do so much to the rentals we've had in the past. The rentals were nice, but there was always that lingering feeling that they were not home. The wallpaper was not my choice. The paint colors were not my choices. The curtains - not mine. All the decisions as far as decorating goes will me mine on our farm. I will make this our home.
Our livestock will also gain more pasture land! The neighbors in our new town are already offering their help. This is so different from the reception we've received where we currently are living. The area we are moving is mainly agriculture. We couldn't be happier!
God is so good.
So lovely. I always wanted a farm to raise my babies. We never exactly farmed, we got the land and the orchard, a few goats and chickens, a pony. They aren't babies anymore, but oh my goodness the beautiful life they have, just to run and roam and climb and have the good fresh air. It's a good life, productive farm or no! Many blessings to you. PM